Friday, January 22, 2010

Java is a girl's best friend....

Erin and I had an interesting conversation at the beginning of the week about "Surreality" new word for the detached feeling you experience in your familiar surroundings under times of stress. Throw in a healthy dose of schedule confusion and this is how I started my day today.

I ran out of coffee two days ago. Making a mental note to buy coffee on probably "a gazillion" times (Alec's favorite number)...the actual act of purchasing a single pound of coffee for home seemed to fade onto the back-burner much like many things these days.

Last night...another mental note "I need to buy coffee"...but wait! I do not...tomorrow is Coffee with Principal day after drop off at school....woo hoo...just need to get to school in the morning...

Disappointingly, upon arrival, Erin (Friend) reminded me...Principle's coffee is every other Friday...not this morning....ugh! So, getting into my car, I decided to head straight to the hospital to visit Stella (it was Candy Land day)...but car mocks me with the Red "E"....need gas...I literally sat in my car a bit stunned at the way the rest of the world just passing me by has no idea how hard it has been for me to get coffee in the last 24 hours. In hindsight, a bit selfish of me...but warranted considering the events of the last 7 days.

Gassed up, coffee in hand I headed to CHM as planned. On the way I recalled Erin's and my conversation days earlier how deaths, stress, unemployment or a post-surgical child catapults you into Surreality! So many acquaintances, friends and family lovingly attempt to comfort you with words in reaction to your tragedies, challenges etc...but, it wasn't until this morning that I actually realized the perfect, most comforting words anyone could say to me in the midst of Surreality..."Can I get you some Coffee?"

Stella continues to improve each day not without challenges; low grade fevers. She's on her 5th IV site (she started with 3 post surgery). Her continued meds and IV fluids along with physical therapy irritate her little veins and prompt switching sites often. Today she about collapsed in exhaustion from a visit from "Logan" the Great Dane therapy dog, returning fever, painting toenails and sitting up during lunch for 30 minutes where she persisted to dip her french fries into her choco milk...this had to have been the best she's eaten post surgical! And, of course, several Detroit Tigers came to the floor to which we packed Stella in a wagon and caravaned her and her IV pole to the Activity Room for autographs and pix with Maglio, Inge, Guillen, Willis and the new and improved Miguel Cabrera!

I left in the afternoon, a latter status update from Erin this eve reports Stella had a CT Scan today to verify her brain is regulating CSF. They will more than likely be staying through the weekend.

Tomorrow, Saturday another Slumber Party is planned....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shell,
    any updates on Stella today?
    praying everyday....
    love you all
